Savanna's Diary

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fun with Fraser

This weekend my Daddy went to Melbourne for a day and a half so Mummy, Lily and I went down to Marulan where my cousin Fraser lives. He lives in the country and we had so much fun.

Fraser kept saying to me "come on Savy, let's run!" and we would run up and down the hall and all around the house squealing and chasing each other. We played with Fraser's puzzles, books, trains, and toys.

Fraser has a robot that he got from us for Christmas called "Jay the Robot". At first I was a bit scared of him but by the end of the day, Jay the Robot was very involved in our play.

My cousin Fraser can wear undies now and he goes to the big toilet. Mum says soon I will be doing the same thing. I went on the big toilet before our bath, just to try it out, and I did a wee!! Mum thought that was very funny.

I love visiting my cousin Fraser and soon he will be coming to my house while Aunty Aprill and Uncle Matt go shopping.

It's back to daycare tomorrow. Mum reminded me when I was having a bath tonight. We washed my hair so it smells nice for daycare tomorrow.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sav,

I have been *trying* to go to the big toilet too, but so far nothing has come out! I got some big girl undies for Christmas but Mummy won't let me wear them until I can do a wee in the toilet. I guess I'll keep trying!

Love Ella

9:44 AM  

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