Savanna's Diary

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Day with the Animals

Today Mummy and Daddy took me to Fairfield City Farm to see the animals. It was lots of fun. I patted sheep, goats, bunnies, cows. I also saw chickens (bruck brucks), wallabies, pigs, ponies guinie pigs and baby chicks. I loved hugging the sheep and kissing them. I chased the bunny rabbit all around the enclosure.

I spent alot of time playing on the play equipment and a little girl took quite a liking to me and we held hands and slid down the slide together. We had lots of fun and lots of laughs.

Still doing the night time shenanigans. I will only go to sleep if my Mum is standing next to the bed.

Friday, July 28, 2006

nearly 20 months

Dear Diary,
It's been really wet this month, and I haven't been able to go outside as much as usual. I love my new backyard though, I have a new seesaw and a new bike. They were hand-me-downs. I have been doing painting with Mummy and also chalk drawings.

I have a vocabulary of around 120 words. The teachers at daycare are very impressed with my learning. The other week in the diary they wrote "Savanna is still young yet displays extensive cognitive development" :D Hey, I knew I was smart :-)

I went to playgroup today. I love playgroup. I love looking at the babies and running around with the big kids. When it was time for craft we did crayon drawings. I did a nice drawing and I brought it home and I am going to show Daddy.

I am having cocktail frankfurts for dinner tonight. Relaxed Friday.

I have been being funny this week about going to bed. usually Mummy just lays me down and says goodnight and I wave goodnight to her at the door, then I fall asleep. Though now I have taken up the idea of whimpering when Mummy lays me down and then crying when she leaves. When shes left I get out of bed and go and knock on the inside of my bedroom door. I do this until Mum comes back. SOmetimes she doesnt and I end up falling asleep on the floor. Usually it takes anywhere between 1 and 2 hours til I'm asleep.

Mummy is hoping its the 2 massive molars at the bottom of my mouth coming through. I dont even know myself.

My cousin Fraser is coming to sleep at our house in 2 weeks. That will be fun and I can't wait.
