Savanna's Diary

Friday, September 29, 2006

A note from Mum

Dear Savanna,
I thought I would take over your journal to tell you just what a polite and well mannered girl you are at the moment.
You are adding please's and thankyou's to the end of everything you say and ask. It's lovely.

Just 5 minutes ago you ran into the kitchen holding your cup up high saying "more wata please Mummy.. please? more water.. Mummy.. please?" It was so nice. When I filled your cup you took it out of the kitchen stopping to turn around and say "DANKS MUM"

You also say "I lub you Mummy" when I say good night to you. Its so sweet.

Now I know this might not last forever (in fact I'm sure it won't) but I just wanted to mention how nice it is right now. :-)

Here are a couple of photos of you from today. We had a great day today, didn't we?

Here's you having your milky before your nap time. I really have to get you back onto cups for milky. But hey, you're not 2 yet. So that's OK.
You have the most beautiful blue eyes. I have green eyes, and Daddy has brown eyes. I was sure you would come out with brown eyes!! But we are quite happy with what you came with :)
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You decided to ride Chuk the Duck around like a horsey. It was amusing to say the least.
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Finally, here is your "sad face" and your "happy face"
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Mummy must go now, as you are flatly refusing your fish and rice for dinner. What will I make you? Spaghetti bolognaise no doubt?? It's all you ever ask for :/ That, along with vegemite sandwiches.

Love you too much Savy,

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Well, what have I been up to recently? Let me think.

2 weekends ago Mummy, Daddy and I went down to my cousin Fraser's house in the country. Unky Matt and Aunty Aprill live there too. Unky Boo was also down for the weekend.

We arrived late, about 9:30 so I was up til about 10:30pm playing with Fraser's toys in the lounge room. Then I went to sleep in Fraser's old room. Aunty Aprill took the side off his old cot for me so it is like a little bed. Just like the one we made at my place for Fraser! I went to sleep without any hassles.

Mum came to see how I was at about 5am because she heard a noise. I was laying on the floor with my pillow by the window. Mummy thinks I climbed out of bed at some stage and was looking out the window and fell asleep there.

I went into Mummy and Daddy's room but I would not go back to sleep. The sun began to peek through not long after that and so Mummy and I were up eating breakfast at 6am!! That would have to be the earliest I have ever been awake!!

Needless to say, Mummy and I went back to bed at 9:30am for a nap.

At 1pm we left for the circus! The circus was fantastic!
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There were elephants, lions, monkeys, horses, ponies, trapeze artists ("man a lady a swwiiiingg!!") and clowns. There was also a girl with lots of hoola hoops! She was spinning so many hoola hoops around her body and people were throwing them at her and she was catching them and spinning them! I have a hoola hoop - but I can't do THAT !

Fraser and I fell asleep in the back of the Nimbus on the way home. We all went in our car.. Fraser and I got to sit right up the back.

I have been talking in longer sentences and am being very polite when I ask for something. I say "please Mummy" at the end of pretty much every sentence and "danks Mum" when she gives me something.

My latest thing to say is "It's A ... !" i.e. "it's aaaaa .... BALL!" or "it's aaaaaa JACKET!" Yesterday Mummy walked into the room and I said "It's aaaaaaa ... MUMMYYYY!!" and she laughed at me.

After daycare on Monday Mummy was asking me what I did, while we drove home. She asked me if I read books. I said NO.. YELLOW BOOKS!
Silly Mummy, there were no RED books. :) Mummy was laughing at me for a long time.

I have been singing Happy Birthday in its entirety this week, Mummy thinks it must have been someone's birthday at daycare.

This weekend we are off to my friend Hayley's house for a BBQ dinner. It should be great fun. Daddy is coming too. I can't wait to see all of Hayley's toys.


Friday, September 15, 2006

another week gone by...

I have been talking in so many sentences lately. Mummy and Daddy are very impressed.

I also enjoy taking my nappy off alot. Mummy doesn't like that much but I am going to keep doing it. I like to sit on the potty when I do this, but I've wee'd on my bed 3 times now, and a few times on my bedroom floor. Mummy doesn't like that either but I don't get in trouble. She just says "next time"

Last Friday we went to the Padstow Indoor Playgym with playgroup. It was lots of fun.
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Nanna and Badda went to England on a "big plane" last week. They will be gone for a few more weeks. Can't wait til they get back. I have spoken to them on the phone though and they sound like they are just calling from home!

Hello Nanna & Badda, and to everyone reading this in England. I'm so glad you all get to see how cute I am


Sunday, September 03, 2006

More father's day ...

The sausage sizzle at Nanna and Badda's was fun. It was also a celebration of both their birthday's, so there were lots of presents going round!!
Doddy was there too - he zoomed me in the air like an aeroplane and whenever he put me down I followed him with my arms up whinging for more.
Here are some pics. I wore my party dress. :-D
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Here you go Badda, here's your present
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I made it with Mummy :)
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Nanna got a Wiggles DVD from the newspaper this morning for me. I watched it with Mummy and Daddy for a little while.
Daddy has bad hayfever at the moment so he looks a little dopey :)
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I was so engrossed
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I love the Wiggles at the moment. :-D

Went to bed with no fuss, it's been a week now of sleep-throughs and no fuss bedtimes. I feel so much better. Daddy gave me a bath and was amazed at how I float all my ducks on my book, line them up and give them all names. 'Mummy Duck, Daddy Duck and Baby Duck"

Then the 3 of us read books in my bed before I went to sleep. What a great day.


Happy Father's Day

Today is Father's Day. We let Daddy have a little sleep in and then Mummy and I took up toasted cheese sandwiches and a warm milo for his breakfast.
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Then I pinched some :)
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I gave him his card and present. A Dave Hughes DVD (which I call 'funny man') and a little canvas painting of my handprint for Daddy to hang up at work.
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This afternoon we are going to Nanna and Badda's house for a sausage sizzle. Doddy will be there too.

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Friday, September 01, 2006

EB Meet up

This morning Mummy and I went to Castle Hill to play and talk to all my "Due In December 2004" friends. I had an amazing time playing. Once again, Mummy was taking lots of photos of me and the other kids. Apparantly we have been there a few times before.. I can't remember though!
Here are some photos from today:

Me, Hayley, Annike, Miranda and Emily
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Me sharing my sultanas with Annike and Hayley
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A couple of me in the ballpit
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Me in my favourite thing of all, the toy cars:
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And finally, me jumping up and down!
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What a great day. I love doing things like this. :-)

I slept in the car for about 50 mins on the way home. In about an hour we are off to playgroup.

I have been sleeping very well lately too. Mummy started a nice night time routine for me and she doesnt lay down with me anymore, she tells me 3 stories then she says goodnight and leaves. If I get out of bed she will come and put me back in bed, but she won't talk to me :( So, I figure, I may aswell fall asleep, so I do.

I have been sleeping all night too, no more waking up at 3am and knocking on the inside of my door. I must say Mummy AND Daddy both notice how much happier I am, especially in the mornings, but in general also.
